GETTING TO KNOW YOU- During this first month, you and your baby have been getting to understand each other. The big news during this time is the use of different crying patterns for different reasons. This is the start of communication. Although she may not be interested in many objects, she will be interested in people and faces and will spend more time looking at you as you look at her. She will calm down to your voice now and will enjoy having you talk to her. You should be settling into some routine patterns with regard to feeding and sleeping, which should help you feel more comfortable.
MILESTONES (More or Less, milestones are a guideline. Each baby is unique and will reach these skills at their own pace. Milestones looks at the average.)
How your one-month old moves
1. Much movement is still a response to reflexes
2. Baby is more extended, open, when on back than at birth
3. Baby may be able to lift head and hold for short time, when on tummy.
How your one-month old uses hands
1. Still influenced by reflexes. Sometime in the next month and half the grasp reflex will disappear. There may be a short time when baby will not hold anything in the hands. This is the time between reflex holding and volunteer holding. Soon the baby will hold things in their hands because they want to.
2. Brings hands together
3. May get hands to mouth. This helps stimulate the hands to help develop more open hands.
Your one-month old's senses
1. If your face is about 10 inches from baby, eyes will follow as you move your face from one side to the other.
2. More responsive to voice sounds, will quiet if crying and wait when hearing the voice of someone else.
3. Eyes still not fully developed so focus is still about 10 inches from face. Babies are interested in bright colors and large geometric shapes and, especially, faces.
Thinking and Learning- Baby is alert for about 1 hour out of every ten
- Starts to anticipate feedings at certain intervals
- Baby becomes excited if a person or bright toy comes into his line of vision.
Your one-month old's language
1. Will have a different cry for hunger and a different cry for pain and another when she wants attention.
2. Will make throaty sounds sometimes in response to being talked to.
3. Expects a response to cries.
4. Face is not very expressive.
3. Expects a response to cries.
4. Face is not very expressive.
Social skills at one month
1. Will briefly maintain eye contact with others.
2. Will have signals when overstimulated, that he needs a break. Sometimes this is closing the eyes, sometimes it is fussiness, sometimes crying. Many babies will look towards someone when they want attention and will turn their eyes away when they need a break. It is important to learn your baby’s signals and to respect them. Overstimulated babies are uncomfortable.
3. By one month babies respond differently to their parents from the way they respond to less familiar people. Babies recognize differences in personality of familiar people and respond appropriately.
4. Baby will not seem interested in toys yet.
1. Continue with “tummy time” activities. Baby can now be placed on a blanket or exercise mat on the floor. Parent should be on floor with baby. Lying with your face in front of baby and talking can encourage the baby to lift her head. Parent should be on floor with baby. Lying with your face in front of baby and talking can encourage the baby to lift her head. The best way to do this is several times a day for a short time each time. Be sure baby is awake and alert. Stop if you notice her distress signals. If you try to lie on your tummy and hold your head up, you will see that it takes a lot of energy but it is important for the development of back and neck muscles that will be needed for sitting, standing and crawling and walking.
Sensory, thinking and learning
- At this age, your baby will not really handle toys. The baby will want to interact with you. It is possible to show the baby interesting, colorful objects and to move them so baby can follow them with his eyes.
- Look at your baby and get his attention. As he watches you move your head slowly from left to right and watch as he follows your face with his eyes. Stop when he loses eye contact. Talk to him during this activity.
- 3. Use a toy with high contrast, such as black and white balls (like small footballs also known as soccer balls) or the teddy bear pictured. Hold it about 8 inches (20 cm) from baby's eyes and let her focus on it.
Language and Social
- Time to start reading to baby. If you read to older children, you can include the baby in reading time. Or you can hold baby in your lap and read out loud to the baby. At this time, it is not important what you read. I used to read the Newspaper to my first child. Just read out loud and place baby so he is looking what you are reading. Ten or fifteen minutes a day is more than enough at this age.
- Get face to face with baby and talk with her.
- Organize a play space where baby can observe and learn. A good example of what you can do comes from the imagination tree at the link here (the picture is theirs):